Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Naturally slim women

I am attempting to make a lifestyle change in my eating.

when making food decisions, here are 6 helpful questions I found online.

Secrets of 'naturally' slim women: 8 tips to stay slender without worrying
Listen to your body
Asking yourself this quick set of questions before you eat will help you to improve your relationship with food and become a naturally slim woman:
• Am I physically hungry?
• Is this what I really want to eat?
• Will this food help me to become slimmer and healthier?
• How will I feel after I have eaten this?
• Will eating this food help me to feel energized and satisfied or overfull and sluggish?
• Do I need to eat this now?

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Starting Once Again...

Here it is a year later...

I lost and gained 10 pounds in that time - oh the holidays!

Starting once again, my goal now is to lose 20 by mid June. My goal is to be 115 pounds. 

I started running again and am running 4 miles 3 days a week.

I am also walking about 4 miles most days.

I plan to start bike riding - hopefully very soon.

Also, I am thinking of getting out at least once a week to play tennis.

We will see how this goes.
